Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Seven Month Update- Harper

How old?
Seven months!! HOW?!?! AH Slow down time!

Maybe 18 pounds? We haven't been to the doctor since our 6 month check up but Harper is getting heavy thats for sure. Mama and Daddy get a work out carrying her around.

Harper loves sleeping with mommy and daddy. Mommy loves the snuggles (Harper loves to snuggle with mama and sleeps right up close to her) but, it is time to get this girly in her own bed. We are going to start working on it soon.

Harper loves to have little sips of water, apple juice, lemonade, and maybe some sprite when mommy or daddy have one but we are still working on eating solids. Every time someone gives her either baby food or table food, she gets a look on her face and acts like we are feeding her poison. She must not like the texture.

Size of Clothes?
Most 6-12 months but still getting some wear out of some other smaller sizes as well.

Harper Likes:
- Swimming!
-Traveling (At least we think so… She has been a great traveler over the past while).
- Watching shows and playing toys!

Harper Dislikes:
- Her own bed!
- Bed time!
- Any food other than fruit, certain drinks, and mama's milk!
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Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Florida Family Pictures 2016

We had family pictures while we were in Florida and they turned out so cute! Harper was such a trooper the entire time. It was way past her bed time but she stuck it out and was a champ. We got so many good ones that I had a hard time deciding which ones I wanted to put in my house.

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Monday, May 16, 2016

Florida Trip- 2016

We took a trip to Florida with Eric's parents and sister last week and it was so much fun. It was much needed and we just had a blast. Harper was a gem the entire time and it was so fun to get a way as a family. We did lots of swimming at the pool and the beach, sleeping, talking, eating yummy food, had family pictures, and spent some good time together. 
She has a pretty nice set up! She watched her shows the entire way to Florida. And ate the tag on her blanket...

And on the way home, we stopped for a treat and Harper had some ice cream. Yummy!!

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Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Baby Shower in Houston/ Visit from Pop

One of my very best friends from Houston is pregnant and due with a her first little boy the end of next month. Eric, Harper, and I decided that we would take a day trip down to Houston so I could go to the baby shower. It was so fun to go and I loved that Harper could meet Kimmie and some of my other good friends in Houston. It was a long drive but oh so worth it and Harper was a dream in the car. How thankful I am for such good friends and so excited to see Baby boy Haymond!

We were also able to see my good friend Amber while we were down in Houston and I am so glad I got to see her and she was able to meet Harper. It was so great to catch up and see her and the kiddos. I miss Houston sometimes but am so glad I am able to keep in touch with such great friends.

My dad (Pop) came back to visit just a week after we got back from San Antonio with them. We were so excited! He came on a business trip but made time to come and go to lunch with Harper and I and he watched Daniel Tiger with Harper, read her books, and gave her some crawling lessons. There is no doubt that she is LOVED!!

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