Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Easter 2016

Easter was so fun this year!! We took Harper to see the Easter bunny and she wasn't so sure about it but she didn't cry so we called it a success. The Easter bunny also came and saw Harper so that was so exciting and fun for mommy and daddy. Harper loved everything that he brought her. Of course, the best part of Easter sunday was attending church with my little family. #Becauseofhim I get to spend forever with my sweet husband and baby girl. What an incredible blessing that is!

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Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Five Month Update- Harper

How Old?
5 Months!! Where in the world is time going!

We haven't been to the doctor for a month but she probably weighs 15 pounds or so now.

Harper is sleeping much better but she is still in our room. We are going to be traveling quite a bit over the next couple weeks so after we get home, she will go to her own room. Mama will be sad about that.

Harper still sticks her nose up at solids and is still just drinking mama'a milk. 

Size of Clothes?
3-6 Months and still some 0-3 but not many.

Harper Likes:
-Talking so everyone car hear her!
- Laying on her belly and playing with toys.
- Putting EVERYTHING in her mouth.
- Laughing!
- Giving Kisses which is more like slobbering all over your face:)

Harper Dislikes:
-Going to bed.
- Sleeping by herself.
-Baby Food!!
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