Thursday, October 8, 2015

Last Baby Cecil Update- 38 Weeks

We made it! This is the last baby update! I can't believe we are finally getting ready to have our little Harper. We are expecting our little girl any day now and we couldn't be more thrilled. I was at the doctor on Monday and the doctor thought that I would be back that night to have our little girl. Well, that didn't happen and she is still hanging out in there. I have another appt. tomorrow and we will see where we are. Eric and I are getting super anxious! Every nurse and the doctor that has seen me tell me that her head is so low and they don't think I will make it to my due date. My due date is October 21st and I am scheduled to be induced that day if I don't see her before. I feel like I am spending my days just sitting around waiting so I am going to try and keep busy the next 2 weeks just in case she doesn't come until her due date or I am going to drive myself crazy. I have been nesting like crazy. The house is super clean and organized so I have been spending my time reading, catching up the blog, getting pampered, and Christmas shopping. People probably think I am crazy for Christmas shopping so early. I am anxious to get it done so I can soak in every single moment with my new little baby and not have to worry about getting it all done in time for the holiday's.
Nothing fits anymore, I am a little bit on edge and grouchy, and I am ready for this little one. While Eric was at the priesthood session on Saturday night, I went and decided that I would get pampered. It was so nice and much needed. Next time I go have my toes done, I will have my little girl with me. We have also been working on her nursery. It isn't quite done yet but it is getting there. I am just hoping that her rocking chair will be here before she is born because we are going to want that thing. I am waiting for my mom to come to help me try and finish it up. We are loving her paint, her bed, and her little Pottery Barn rocking unicorn. Eric jokes that it is the most expensive toy she will ever have. ;)

We are so so close! I am being taught LOTS of patience and trying to enjoy this time of having this little girl in my tummy for the last couple days. Hopefully today is the day baby girl decides that she is ready to come out and meet her mommy and daddy. 
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Wednesday, October 7, 2015

October Means...

It is still in the 90° range somedays here in Texas! The fall is one of our favorite seasons though so we still try and make it feel that way in our home. October means...

Making a Fall Wreath and Decorating the Porch

Halloween/ Fall Decorations and Bath and Body Works Pumpkin Candles

Halloween Candy

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies and anything else Pumpkin flavored

An anxious Mommy and Daddy that have everything sitting by the door waiting for our baby girl's arrival any day now. We are so excited! Come out little one! photo Signature-1.png

Chocolate Caramel Cookies

My mom and sisters have been making these cookies for the past little while and when I was in Utah, they were making them for a missionary farewell and I was able to try one. These are some dang good cookies! Since I have been back from Utah, I have made them for a get together when some ladies from church got together to watch the General Women's broadcast, for the ladies that I visit teach, and for the conference exchange with my friends that I talked about here. These have been a major hit every where I have taken them. I now keep all of the stuff in my pantry so when I need a quick and easy treat that is yummy, I am prepared. 

Chocolate Caramel Cookies
Heat oven to 350°

Mix together:
1 box Pillsbury Devils Food Cake Mix
(Make sure you use Pillsbury)
2 eggs
1/3 cup oil

Mix this all together. The dough will be pretty thick and sticky.
You will then need to buy a bag of Rolo's (about 1/2 bag per recipe)

Form a ball of cookie dough just a little bit bigger than the rolo around it.

Bake them for 8 minutes. This recipe will make about 3 dozen or so. After they have cooled off, sprinkle powdered sugar on the top of them. Enjoy!!
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Saturday, October 3, 2015

General Conference- October 2015

General Conference is always such a fun and exciting time in our home. It is something that we look forward to and Eric and I always enjoy listening to the prophets and apostles. We started a tradition last year and I make all of our favorite treats for conference weekend. We had cheese ball and crackers, wings, veggies and dip, chips and salsa, smokies, and some treats. A couple friends from church and I did a "conference exchange" this time around and it was so fun. There was 4 of us and we all made something different and enough to feed all 4 families. Then we met up yesterday and swapped everything so this weekend we have 4 different things to snack on. I made pumpkin chocolate chip cookies and rolo cookies. It was so fun and something I want to continue to do. Conference weekend is such a special time to our family.
This conference weekend is especially special to Eric and I. We are welcoming our little girl into our family in 2 weeks and that is all that we can think about. We are so excited for parenthood and the joy that our little girl is going to bring into our lives. It is so crazy to think that next time we have general conference our little girl will be almost 6 months. This conference weekend is also special to us because Eric was ordained a high priest today. Two weeks ago, Eric got a phone call from the stake and they asked to meet with both Eric and I the next morning. We have only been in our ward for almost 3 months and we hardly know anyone. Eric and I were so confused about what it could be. They asked Eric to serve as the 2nd counselor in the bishopric in our ward. Eric and I were both a little bit in shock. Eric accepted the call and I gladly said that I would support him 100%. Eric was sustained last Sunday and then he was ordained and set apart today. His dad flew down from West Virginia to ordain Eric a high priest. This was so special for Eric and I. As hard as it may be to not be able to sit with Eric in sacrament meeting, not have him during the week some nights, and on sunday mornings and afternoons, I am so thankful for a husband that takes his callings so serious and Harper and I will support him 100%. I know that he is going to do an incredible job in his new calling. 
This picture is of Eric and his dad, the bishop that Eric gets the opportunity to work with, and a member of the Stake presidency. I am so excited for Eric and for the things that he is going to be able to experience and learn from serving in this calling. Of course, conference was great today and the talk that stuck out to me the most was the talk by Elder Jeffery R. Holland on Mothers. Every little thing about mothers is striking close to home right now. I feel so blessed to be able to be a mother to my sweet little Harper so soon. She has already brought so much joy into our lives. Any day now little one!
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