We got to hear baby Cecil last week and it was Mother's day weekend so that called for some shopping for our little one. This mommy and daddy are super excited and baby is already getting spoiled. I am afraid this is just the beginning!
How Far Along?
16 Weeks! We can't believe it!
Baby Size?
The baby is the size of an avocado. The baby is about 4.6 inches long and weighs 3.5 ounces.
By week 14 this mama started to feel so much better. There are some days where I still wake up and feel nauseous and if I am not eating as often as I should then I get sick. There are still some times when I throw up if I eat something that my tummy doesn't like while being pregnant but other than that I feel so much better. I didn't gain a pound my first trimester but once the second trimester started I have noticed that I am gaining about a pound every week to week and a half. Doctor says this is good so bring on the baby weight!
Right around week 15 I noticed a little bump. It is nothing big but Eric and I can notice it. It is so fun to be able to see this belly of mine start to grow. My sisters have noticed it and I think it is starting to feel real for them that they are going to be aunt's.
Maternity Clothes?
YES! All of a sudden I needed some clothes that would work with this pregnant tummy of mine. All of my pants are tight enough now that I cannot wear them. Instead of buying maternity clothes, I am just wearing leggings and long shirts, dresses, and skirts. It is so hot in Texas anyway and pants are no fun to wear in the summer so I am most definitely not wearing pants while pregnant in the Texas summer.
This week I was laying in bed and all of a sudden it felt like a muscle twitched and then it happened again. It was the best thing and as soon as it happened I knew that it was the baby. The doctor said that many first time moms start to feel movements right around now. Now that I know what it feels like, I am so happy when I feel it everyday. It makes me so happy to know my little one is safe in there.
Making me Sick?
I still don't eat much meat because it sometimes makes me sick. Eric deals with all the raw meat or I just gag while cooking dinner. The smell of fish also makes me queasy but other than that nothing is really making me sick anymore.
Every day is different and I crave so many different things. Most of the time, I crave Mexican food or Pizza. So weird! There have been many nights where we have had pizza delivered or ran out late for some chips and salsa. Another thing that I crave big time is lemonade. I love Nordstrom's lemonade so I make a stop there a couple times a week and grab myself one. Chick-fil-a has yummy lemonade as well. I am always making sure that I am drinking as much water as I am lemonade.
Happy, Sad, or Moody?
Every day is different. My poor hubby never knows how his wife is going to be acting when she wakes up. I am usually pretty happy but if someone makes me mad then everyone just better stay away. Someone hit my car the other day in the Target parking lot and it was a hit-and-run. I was so sad and mad all at the same time. I ended up crying all day long. My husband was out of town on business in Utah which was already so hard and I was home with a messed up car. Thankfully, once he got home from his business trip he took my car to get some estimates and he is in the process of figuring everything out to have it fixed. Eric can say that one thing he has learned throughout this pregnancy is hormones are a real thing and they can do some crazy things to my emotions.
Looking Forward to...
We find out in 2 1/2 weeks if this little one is a girl or a boy and we cannot wait. When we were at our 16 week appt. this past week, I knew Eric was really hoping that the doctor would do a quick ultrasound and tell us what it is. The office was busy and I didn't have an ultrasound scheduled so we will find out the end of May. We are so excited and can't wait to find out what it is. Boy or Girl, Eric and I just hope for a healthy little baby.