Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Eric is 26!

Wow! Eric turned 26 on January 4th and it was such a fun day to celebrate him. His birthday was on a Sunday so we did lots of celebrating over the weekend. We went to dinner at Bonefish Grill, shopped, and spent time together. On his birthday, he wanted to have steak and king crab legs. We went to Costco so he could pick out exactly what he wanted. I am not a fan of crab but, Eric was loving it! On Sunday, we spent the day going to church and attending meetings. After church we opened presents, had dinner, and then our friends Andrew and Kimmie came over for cake and ice cream. Eric doesn't love cake but I found a strawberry cake recipe that he really likes so that was his birthday cake! I love Eric and am so grateful for the life that we have together. Life is so much fun when he is there and I feel so lucky that I get to celebrate his birthdays with him forever!

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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Surgery and Sister's Engagement

The past week has been a crazy ride with so many different emotions. A month ago today, a cold came back that I had been fighting for 3 weeks. It just could not seem to go away. I was getting so frustrated and after talking with Eric and my parents, I decided that I was going to go see an ENT and see what he thought about having my tonsils out. I called a friend who I serve with in my ward and in Young Women's and she recommended a doctor that she thought was great. I gave him a call and they got me in the next day. I had strep throat twice last year, I always was getting a cold, and both of my parents had their tonsils out. After explaining all of this to the doctor, he decided that it would be best to take them out. It doesn't cure getting sick and sore throats. However, the hope is that it will cure strep. I set up surgery for 3 weeks later! I called my parents and told them I was having surgery and in 2 minutes my dad had booked my mom a ticket to come down and take care of me. Eric is busy working and I didn't want him to have to take off to stay home with me. Plus, sometimes a girlie needs her mommy when she is sick. It was so nice snuggling up to my mom when I didn't feel good and having her rub my back. 

Everyone had said that this surgery is horrible and I believed them but I am tough and I was going to be back up at it in 4 days no problem! I was totally wrong...Today it has been a week and I feel like I am on the up. I am getting there. I am no where near 100% but the doctor told me I would feel like garbage for 2 weeks and then hopefully after a month be better. I am hoping all of this nasty pain is worth it in the long run and I don't get strep again for a long long time if I am going to get it. My mom got her tonsils out at 18 and she hasn't had strep since. That is the hope for me! The doctor ended up taking my adenoids out too and geez..I have felt like I have a severe double ear infection. Thank goodness for pain medicine and hot pads. 

As I was going through all of this this past week, I have been reflecting on how grateful I am for good family and friends. My sweet husband for the past week has been setting his alarm for 2am to get me up and give me my medicine. My mom came down for 4 days to help take care of me. The letters, visits, flowers, texts, gift cards, etc. made me feel so happy and special and the picture from my Young Women made me feel so grateful for my calling. Now I need to lay low for one more week like the doctor ordered so I can be totally better. My dad is coming to Houston next week and is going to take me out for whatever I want to eat so I need to be better. I have lost 8 pounds but I hope I don't gain it back just in one night with my dad. I have heard many people tell me this is worse than child birth so if that is the case, I am more than prepared. I was sleeping one afternoon and after your adenoids come out you snore while you recover. Good thing it isn't permanent! My mom was getting a kick out of it and took this picture and sent it to Eric, my dad, sisters, grandparents, aunts, etc. I have loved my minky blanket this past week. I keep telling Eric that I need another one. 

My mom had to leave on Friday morning to get home for an engagement. It was the hardest secret to keep from my sister who I talk to everyday but, I did it. My parents, Morgan, Macie, Eric and I all knew McCall was getting engaged on Saturday but she had no clue. We could not be happier for McCall and Austin. We love Austin and think he is so great. I am so glad that my sister found him and that they are going to be sealed in the temple this summer for eternity. As an older sister, it is so weird to think that your sister is going to get married. I remember when McCall and I were just little and playing all of the time. Now we are both going to be married and it is so different. After Austin told me when he was proposing, I started to cry. I asked Eric why I was crying over something that is so happy but then I reminded myself that they were happy tears. Austin and McCall are great for each other. Seeing these pictures on Saturday night brought happy tears to my eyes. I can't wait for the day when Eric and I will be in the house of the Lord with Aust and McCall to watch them be sealed forever! I am a happy big sister thats for sure!

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Thursday, January 1, 2015

2014- A Year in Review

January: Eric and I accepted a job offer with BNSF Railway and we moved to Houston, TX!
February: We got Texas license plates and celebrated our first Valentine's Day as a married couple!

March: My mom came to Houston to spend my birthday with me and Eric and I went to the Houston Rodeo and the Eli Young Band Concert!

April: Eric and I were able to travel to Utah for a visit and my cousin's wedding, I was able to eat crawfish and see my best friend who was serving in the Houston, TX mission at the time, my grandparents returned home from a mission in Arkansas, and Eric and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary!

May: We took a road trip to the Dallas/Ft. Worth area, Eric's parents came for a visit, and we were able to go to the Houston Astro's MLB game!

June: I was able to go with my dad to Boston, MA and be his guest at the Savage manager's meetings because my mom wasn't able to go this year!
July: My cousin Megan passed away and it was 100° in Houston and very humid so many days were spent indoors at the Houston Temple with the missionaries and friends!

August: Eric and I took another trip to Utah to visit family and go to another one of my cousin's wedding's and we went to a Houston Texan's NFL game!

September: We went down to Galveston and spent a couple days at a beach resort!
October: I started watching a friends baby a couple days a week while she works and we took "Texas style" family pictures for our 2014 Christmas cards!

November: Eric and I spent Thanksgiving in Utah with family and we both received new callings working with the youth at our church. Eric is serving in the Young Men's presidency and I am the Young Women's president. We absolutely LOVE it and it keeps us very busy!

December: We were able to go to the Houston Rocket's NBA game and we spent Christmas in West Virginia with Eric's side of the family!

Eric and I had a great 2014 and we are looking forward to what 2015 will bring. We are excited that I will be graduating with my bachelors degree this Spring and Eric will be taking the GMAT in preparation for graduate school. We are grateful for all of our family and friends who play such an important role in our life. We love you all and wish you a very happy 2015!
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