Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter Sunday

I thought it was going to be hard being away from my parents and sisters this year for Easter but we had a fun weekend here in Texas! We went to dinner to a seafood restaurant that is right on the lake. It was so good to get out and get some fish and chips. 
On Sunday, we went to church and then our friends invited us over to dinner. I made Easter cupcakes to take and we had so much fun. They are such a cute family and have totally taken us under their wing since we have moved here. They have made the move much easier. We knew them from Utah. I help her sometimes during the week with her little ones and we go to the Taco Stand. We have been so lucky to have them here to help us when we need something or when I am having a bad day she is the first one I call. We love Beau and Amber! We loved having our first Easter together as a married couple in Houston. 

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Perk of living in Houston

How BEAUTIFUL is this? Ah! I was so worried moving to Houston because I thought that the temple would be super far away. It is only 30 minutes away! We are so blessed to have it this close. I love to go to the temple! I love to go in the mornings. It is never busy and it is just so nice to be in a place that makes you feel so great. I love going with Eric though on Friday nights for a date once a month. The temple and the Taco Stand make for the perfect date. 


SISTER HUBER!! This is my best friend and she is serving in the Houston, TX mission. I wrote her and told her I was coming and we were dying to see each other. She lives 5 minutes away from me and we finally saw each other. We went to a crawfish boil. YUK! Eric was in heaven and loved it but that was not something that I wanted to try. Finally, Sister Huber and I decided that it is a cultural thing and we better try it to say that we have tried crawfish. Eric cracked them for us and we ate them. It was so fun to see her for a couple hours. I love to put together packages for her and send them with the sister missionaries in my ward to their Zone conference to give her. So proud of this girl! 

Now those are two BIG perks of living in Houston, TX!