Here is what has been going on...
1. The movers showed up with all of our stuff and then we had a serious project on our hands. It has been so fun moving in and opening up all of our wedding gifts that we had forgotten about. They have all been in boxes since we got married so it has been great to finally get settled in. My guest bedroom still has like 20 boxes in there but I will get to it one day. Our cute place still has lots of work to be done but decorating will take time. It is turning out great though so far.
2. Eric goes to work everyday from like 7:30-5 and he LOVES his job. It is exactly what he wanted to do and I am so grateful for a husband that has a job so he can support our little family. Here are some pictures of his office..
3. We feel really old because since Eric has a good job, that means that we get insurance. Our parents were probably really happy to get us off of theirs. I have been finding a dentist and doctors and we love all of them so far. Things are just great down here.
4. I have been doing lots of exploring! We live in the Woodlands/Conroe area and the shopping is great. They have the Woodlands mall and then a little strip mall across the street that is called Market Street. They have tons of nice shops and lots of fun places to eat. Eric and I go into the mall area like every weekend and scope things out. It is super nice! My mom and I are going to have lots of fun in here in a couple weeks.
5. There is a Lake right by our house so we are going to have fun there when it starts to warm up. We are going to go rent some jet skis and hang out on the Lake all summer. It will be so hot we won't want to be anywhere else. There are little Tex Mex restaurants on the lake even. Yummy!
6. I have been running a lot lately and I actually love running out here. Crazy I know! I can run much faster and further. It is so much easier to breathe here than in Utah. There is a group of people from the BNSF office that are running in the Woodlands race in March so I have been training for that. It is fun for me to get to know the people that Eric works with and do stuff with them.
7. Eric and I just got called to be Den leaders in Cub scouts in our ward. When they gave us the calling, I looked at Eric and started laughing. I grew up in a house of all sisters so I have NO idea what a badge even is. We had our first meeting last night and it was actually really fun. We are going to enjoy meeting with the young boys and getting to know them better. Maybe this will teach me so when I have sons I will know what I am doing. :)
8. Eric goes to work and I hang out, watch the Today Show and Ellen, decorate, unpack, go running, shop for the house, plan activities for the cub scouts, work on my school, make friends, and do the wife thing. It has taken me a while to get my feet on the ground but I am getting there. School takes up a lot of time so I stay busy and there is no time to be sad. I don't have any reason to be sad either. My dad is coming the first week of March, my mom is coming the last week of March, and then I am going back to Utah in April for a week to take finals and attend some family stuff. Eric is going to come out the end of the week so we can attend my cousins wedding, welcome my grandparents home from their mission, and celebrate my great-grandma's 90th birthday. Eric's parents are also going to be coming sometime this year to see us as well. Eric and I are so grateful for parents that are so loving and care so much about us. We miss them all so much but Eric and I are so happy here with just the two of us. We know that this experience will be great for our marriage and we will be so glad we did this.
We are loving Houston and are so grateful for the opportunities that we have had here so far. People are so nice and we feel like this is where we need to be right now and call this home.